Volunteer Opportunities

Stock Market Program Teacher

Serve as a teacher in the Stock Market Program, meeting on a monthly basis with a group of 8th graders at a Big Shoulders school. Curriculum and lessons are provided which allow volunteer teachers to work in a team to teach students about the financial markets, personal savings and investing concepts, and careers within the financial industry. Corporate sponsors provide funding to the school and students invest in a virtual stock portfolio which they manage throughout the year. Participating schools engage in a friendly competition for recognition of the school and class with the highest portfolio return.

Student Mentor

We are always looking for mentors for students at Big Shoulders Fund schools. Mentors are paired up with one to five students at one school receiving a particular scholarship. A student mentor would meet up with mentees on average of once a month for “in-school” mentoring. Mentors review grades and depending on the students’ age, help them with their education planning (i.e. choosing a high school, college, summer program, career exploration, etc.) as well as getting to know them, their hopes, dreams, and challenges while sharing your own lessons of failure and secrets to success. Timing of the monthly meetings to be determined with the school Principal.

Service Days and Give Back Days

Volunteer at a Saturday service day or Give Back Day at a Big Shoulders school. Many schools need help with cleaning, painting, landscaping and/or organizing projects around the school. Group leaders can work with Big Shoulders staff to help organize a service day for the Auxiliary Board, their peer groups, companies, and/or college alumni groups. Sign up will come out via the newsletter about one month prior to the next Give Back Day.

School Board Members

Serve on the board of a Big Shoulders Fund school. Individuals serving on boards act on an advisory basis to support the school’s leadership. They help the school improve its long-term viability through budget planning, marketing, fundraising and more, depending on the school’s needs and the board members’ expertise. Timing of meetings is school dependent.

Weekend Tutoring

Serve as a tutor to students as they prepare for state exams and look to expand their subject knowledge in math and science. This program has had a dramatic impact in improving students’ test scores and confidence. Volunteers receive brief refresher materials to prepare them for tutoring subjects, and concepts are also reviewed with a teacher on the morning of tutoring. No more than 30 minutes of outside preparation should be required. Typically the sessions will be held on a Saturday morning and are planned in periods of 4-6 sessions. Volunteers are asked to commit to a few sessions of tutoring over the course of that period to keep some consistency for students. Exact timing is planned closer to each round of tutoring.

Other Opportunities

In addition to other commitments, there are many ways to help out.

Procure sponsorships and donations for the Golf Classic, the Big Shoulders Fund Ball, or Bowl for Big Shoulders.

Join our Racing Team.

Contact Amy Drozda if you have any questions on ways to get involved.

Auxiliary Board Committees

Auxiliary Board members can also volunteer to take a leadership role on one of our committees. We always enjoy having new members attend meetings to offer their ideas and to help spearhead projects when they are available. Committees meet on weeknights.

Executive Committee
Leadership and Committee Chairs

Membership Committee

Schools Committee
Student Shadow Day
Weekend Tutoring, Mentoring
Scholarship Review and Reception

Fundraising committee
Lead 2 next generation key events
Solicit sponsorships and in-kind donations

Chairmen’s Advisory Council Committees

Members of the Chairmen’s Advisory Council (CAC) can also volunteer to take a leadership role on one of our CAC committees. We always enjoy having new members attend meetings to offer their ideas and to help spearhead projects when they are available.

Executive Committee

Membership Committee

Development Committee

Lend a Shoulder Day Committee

Communications Committee (Ad Hoc)

Networking Event Committee (Ad Hoc)