
One of the best ways to spread the word about Big Shoulders is to gather your friends and colleagues and come out to one of our many networking events. Hosted by either the Auxiliary Board or the Chairmen’s Advisory Council (CAC), networking events and happy hours are fantastic ways to socialize and meet the next generation of board members. These free, public get togethers are held at different Chicago bars and venues several times throughout the year.

For individuals who are interested in learning more about Big Shoulders from some of our most devoted supporters, these events are an excellent source of information. Hear first-hand about the work and success of the Auxiliary Board and the CAC or learn about our schools and students. Find out about upcoming volunteer opportunities and promotional events, the works.

Visit our calendar to see if there are any social events coming up!

Megan Bouché
Director, Next Generation Boards
312.751.3850  ✶