Leadership Team
Joshua Hale
President and Chief Executive Officer
Read Josh Hale’s full biography.
Lauren Anderson
Director, Scholarship Program
312.374.5674 ✶ landerson@bigshouldersfund.org
(Scholarship Team)
Elizabeth Bartley
Managing Director, Instructional Coaching and Literacy
312.374.5673 ✶ ebartley@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Dan Bennett
Senior Director, Scholarships
312.751.8337 ✶ dbennett@bigshouldersfund.org
(Scholarship Team)
Tom Borah
Managing Director, School Finance and Facilities
(Schools Team)
Megan Bouché
Director, Next Generation Boards
(Development Team)
Carolyn Broughton
Major Gifts Officer, Donor Stewardship & Cultivation
312.544.8696 ✶ cbroughton@bigshouldersfund.org
(Development Team)
Eliza Bryant
Senior Director, Systems and Operations
312.544.8683 ✶ ebryant@bigshouldersfund.org
(Systems and Operations Team)
Samantha Clark
Senior Accountant
312.544.8682 ✶ sclark@bigshouldersfund.org
(Finance Team)
Malcolm Douglas
Chief Financial Officer
312.751.5294 ✶ mdouglas@bigshouldersfund.org
(Finance Team)
Amelia “Amy” Drozda
Chief Advancement and Development Officer
312.751.3850 ✶ adrozda@bigshouldersfund.org
(Development Team)
DiAna Elcan
Managing Director, Development Operations and Donor Services
312-468-7056 ✶ delcan@bigshouldersfund.org
(Systems and Operations Team)
Tim Gallo
Managing Director, Plus Schools & Leadership
312-751-8337 ✶ tgallo@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Lisa Gutierrez
Managing Director, School Success
(Schools Team)
Maria Ippolito
Managing Director, School Marketing and Enrollment
610.405.7722 ✶ mippolito@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Gisele Jones
Director, Scholarship Programs & Leadership Development, Northwest Indiana
219.273.9009 ext. 103 ✶ gjones@bigshouldersfund.org
(Northwest Indiana Team)
Jessica Jones
Managing Director, School Success
(Schools Team)
Dr. Mia Jones
Director, Academics and Instructional Coaching, Big Shoulders Fund Northwest Indiana
219.273.9009 ext. 104 ✶ mjones@bigshouldersfund.org
(Northwest Indiana)
Matthew Katzfey
Director, Alumni Outreach and High School Development
312-544-8692 ✶ mkatzfey@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Dan Kozlowski
Executive Director, Big Shoulders Fund Northwest Indiana
219.273.9009 ✶ dkozlowski@bigshouldersfund.org
(Northwest Indiana Team)
Kelsey Kyle
Director, Corporate Partnerships & Engagement
312.751.8394 ✶ kkyle@bigshouldersfund.org
(Development Team)
Rebecca Lindsay-Ryan
Chief Schools Officer
312.751.3851 ✶ rlindsayryan@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
John Malloy
Senior Director, Strategy and Communication
312.751.3896 ✶ jmalloy@bigshouldersfund.org
(Strategy and Communication Team)
Laura Nalley
Senior Director, People and Leadership
773.251.9032 ✶ lnalley@bigshouldersfund.org
(People and Leadership Team)
Kayla Vigil Nuguid
Managing Director, School Success
(Schools Team)
Danielle Robinson
Managing Director, School Operations and Patrons program
312-544-8696 ✶ drobinson@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Heidi Rouleau
Director, STEM Programming and Extended Day
312.751.8337 ✶ hrouleau@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Emily Stone
Managing Director, Communications
312.286.8744 ✶ estone@bigshouldersfund.org
(Strategy and Communication Team)
Kamilah Anderson
Accounting Project Coordinator
312.374.5672 ✶ kanderson@bigshouldersfund.org
(Finance Team)
Russell Castro
Manager, Development Communications
(Systems and Operations Team)
Jaime Cavazos
Civics Education Lead
(Schools Team)
Jacqueline Chapman
Manager, School Marketing and Enrollment
312-544-8694 ✶ jchapman@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Monica Chapman
Manager, Communication
312-544-8680 ✶ mchapman@bigshouldersfund.org
(Strategy and Communication Team)
Abby Cohen
Manager, Talent & Strategy
(People and Leadership; Strategy and Communication)
Alyssa Donato
Coordinator, Donor Services
(Systems and Operations Team)
Jocelyn Esparza
Manager, School Marketing & Enrollment
224.406.1124 ✶ jesparza@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Katherine Fedrigon
Assistant Director, Donor Relations and Stewardship
312.544.8693 ✶ kfedrigon@bigshouldersfund.org
(Systems and Operations Team)
Sheila Fenn
Assistant Director, Scholar Access and Support
312.374.5677 ✶ sfenn@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Jessica Gonzalez
Assistant Director, Academics and Instructional Coaching, Big Shoulders Fund Northwest Indiana
219.273.9009 ext. 106 ✶ jgonzalez@bigshouldersfund.org
(Northwest Indiana Team)
Wayde Grinstead
Assistant Director, Civics Education
(Schools Team)
Yasmin Kalifulla
Manager, Salesforce Administration
(Systems and Operations Team)
Caitlin Lee
Assistant Director, School Talent
312.374.5670 ✶ clee@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Cindy Martinez
Manager, Grants and Institutional Giving
312.751.8337 ✶ cmartinez@bigshouldersfund.org
(Systems and Operations Team)
Meg Nielsen
Manager, Digital Marketing Communications
312.965.9975 ✶ mnielson@bigshouldersfund.org
(Strategy and Communication Team)
Karina Pagan
Manager, Development Operations
312.374.5676 ✶ kpagan@bigshouldersfund.org
(Systems and Operations Team)
Marjurie Ribeiro
Data Manager
312.374.5679 ✶ mribeiro@bigshouldersfund.org
(Systems and Operations Team)
Maya Roberts
Assistant Director, Scholarship Program
312-544-8697 ✶ mroberts@bigshouldersfund.org
(Scholarships Team)
Eric Roldan
Assistant Director, Marketing & Enrollment, Big Shoulders Fund Northwest Indiana
219.273.9009 ext. 105 ✶ eroldan@bigshouldersfund.org
(Northwest Indiana Team)
Alicia Stodden
Administrative Assistant & Event Coordinator, NWI
219.273.9009 ext. 101 ✶ astodden@bigshouldersfund.org
(Northwest Indiana Team)
Natalie Sullivan
Executive Assistant to Joshua D. Hale, President and Chief Executive Officer
312.751.3898 ✶ nsullivan@bigshouldersfund.org
Fernanda Valentino
Assistant Director, Development
310.739.2451 ✶ fvalentino@bigshouldersfund.org
(Development Team)
Nichelle Washington
Manager, Volunteerism & Engagement
(Development Team)
Grace White
Content Associate, School Marketing and Enrollment
(Schools Team)
Oriana White
Manager, Events and Donor Engagement
312-544-5675✶ owhite@bigshouldersfund.org
(Development Team)
Maggie Writt
Manager, High School Transition and Enrichment
312.380.7492 ✶ mwritt@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Golaleh Yazdani
Coordinator, STEM Enrichment
312.751.8337 ✶ gyazdani@bigshouldersfund.org
(Schools Team)
Pam Yeshewas
Scholarships Program and Special Projects
312.380.7490 ✶ pyeshewas@bigshouldersfund.org
(Scholarship Team)
Tom Zbierski
Director Emeritus
312.751.8365 ✶ tzbierski@bigshouldersfund.org