Extension Opportunities for former Brush Creek Ranch Students

Check out these two fantastic extension opportunities for former Brush Creek students to apply for: an Action Research Mini-Grant and a Junior Counselor Position. Applications for both are due March 18, 2016.


Action Research Mini-Grant
Any current elementary student, who has attended Brush Creek in past years, is eligible to apply for an Action Research Mini-Grant. Students may receive up to $500 to design, launch, and implement an action research project that sustains the learning Brush Creek Ranch Science Enrichment experience. Projects that have received funding in the past include a school-wide recycling initiative, a coordinated neighborhood clean-up, and after-school science clubs.


Interested students must to the following:

  1. Identify a Teacher Mentor to advise and oversee the project.
  2. Confirm support from the school principal.
  3. Complete the BCR Action Research Project Application by March 18, 2016.


Junior Counselor Position (current 10th, 11th, and 12th graders preferred)

Former Brush Creek Ranch students who will be rising high school Juniors, Seniors, and graduates in the summer of 2016 (currently in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade) are eligible to apply for the Jr. Counselor Position, who will accompany students and chaperones during the one-week trip to Staddle Camp at Brush Creek Ranch. Rising sophomores may apply, but upper classmen will be given preference. Jr. Counselors will be responsible aiding the implementation of daily programming and support students as they complete various activities. All Jr. Counselors will be trained in CPR and First Aid prior to their trip. This application process is competitive with a limited number of Jr. Counselor positions available.


Interested students must:

  1. Be a former BCR scholar who is currently in grades: 10th, 11th, or 12th
  2. Be highly motivated, engaged, and exhibit leadership abilities.
  3. Be available to spend a week at Staddle Camp during Summer, 2016.
  4. Complete the BCR Jr. Counselor Application by March 18, 2016.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Eliza Bryant, Director, Academic Programs and Enrichment, at ebryant@bigshouldersfund.org.