The City Club of Chicago hosted the panel Chicago Philanthropy: A Brave New World on November 24, 2015, moderated by Big Shoulders Fund President and CEO Joshua Hale. The panel featured philanthropic leaders Lindsay Avner, Founder and CEO of Bright Pink, Deborah A. Liverett, Senior Vice President at The Northern Trust Company, and Jim Parsons, President of The Brinson Foundation.
The conversation comes at a challenging time for the city of Chicago and highlights how philanthropy faces these challenges head-on. The panelists touched on new trends in philanthropy, the importance of collaboration, and the advantages to working in Chicago.
Watch the video and learn how philanthropy is a complex and challenging endeavor. Just to begin in philanthropy is half the battle, but once you get your feet wet you will be sure to stick around. With so many compelling foundations and nonprofits in Chicago, and so many great civic and philanthropic leaders, there is only hope for the future of the city.
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